Fried Panzerotti – Apulian Panzerotti


Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

Today we celebrate 2 years of the blog! Well, not today, but the important thing is to celebrate! Ready to bite into some delicious Fried Panzerotti accompanied by a nice iced beer? I can not wait!

Apulian Panzerotti

Fried Apulian Panzerotti

Fried Panzerotti are typical delights of Puglia but also of Campania, but they call them Fried Pizzas. They are small bundles of dough stuffed originally with tomato, mozzarella and oregano, but today you can find various fillings, which once closed are fried and once golden are ready to eat.

They are a typical street-food to eat hot even if the danger of getting burned and dirty is high, but it is absolutely worth it. The crunchy dough on the outside and soft on the inside, the filling rich in cheese or other filling, are truly an irresistible combination truly loved by everyone.

The Origins of the Fried Panzerotti

The invention of the Fried Panzerotti is said to have originated in the 16th century with the introduction of the tomato from the Americas. The paternity is disputed between Naples and Bari, the recipe is practically the same even if over time in the Fried Panzerotti is also used the remilled semolina while as tradition for pizza, in Naples only pastry flour (Italian 00) is used.

Apulian Fried Panzerotti

Advice on the Preparation of Apulian Panzerotti

For the preparation of the Fried Panzerotti I used the leavening technique in the fridge. It’s a slower leavening, and it’s preferable to use fresh yeast. If you don’t have fresh yeast available, you can use the dehydrated one, but it will rise very little in the fridge. In this case I advise you to proceed normally, and the next day remove the dough from the fridge and put it to rise in the oven at 40 ° C (104 ° F) until it has doubled. The dough will still be light and soft.

For the classic dough you can use fresh mozzarella, but I suggest you squeeze it a little, because once mixed with the tomato and the salt it will start to release liquids and if the filling is too watery it can ruin the panzerotto by soaking it. The risk is that the oil splashes once immersed and opens, causing the filling to come out. In order not to risk it, I advise you to close them and fry them first, alternatively you can use mozzarella for pizza that will simply be grated.

If you prepare Fried Panzerotti Pugliesi with fillings that need to be cooked first, let them cool completely, because even then the dough could be ruined due to the heat and steam it would produce.

Last advice, always try to dose the filling, otherwise you will find it difficult to close them, and you may not be able to seal them well. To support the filling, leave the centre of the dough slightly thicker.

But now I leave you the recipe and the video recipe of the Apulian Fried Panzerotti.

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Fried Panzerotti – Apulian Panzerotti

Delicious and crunchy filled fried panzerotti, typical of the Apulian street food. Delicious as a snack or for a dinner with friends.
Porzioni 6 panzerotti
Tempo di Preparazione 35 minutes
Tempo di Cottura 2 minutes
Leavening 10 hours
Tempo totale 10 hours 37 minutes



  • 95 g Pastry Flour
  • 180 g Durum Wheat Semolina Re-Milled
  • 165 ml Water
  • 3 g Fresh Yeast or 1,5 / 2 g Instant Yeast
  • 2 g Caster Sugar
  • 4 g Salt
  • 6 g Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Classic Stuffing

  • 50 g Apulian Braid Mozzarella or pizza mozzarella
  • 4 tbsp Tomato Sauce
  • to taste Origan
  • 1 pinch Salt

Stuffed with Ricotta

  • 100 g Cow Ricotta Cheese
  • 50 g Spicy Salamino
  • 50 g Apulian Braid Mozzarella or pizza mozzarella
  • 2 – 3 Dried Tomatoes

Ripieno Sausage e Turnip Greens

  • 300 g Turnip Greens blanched
  • 150 g Sausage
  • 100 g Smoked Scamorza grated or Smoked Provola
  • 1 clove Garlic
  • to taste Salt
  • to taste Black Pepper
  • 1 – ½ tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • to taste Dry Chili Peppers in powder optional
  • 30 ml Water or the water of Turnip Greens
  • Sunflower Oil for frying



  • In a bowl, mix the two types of flour.
    95 g Pastry Flour, 180 g Durum Wheat Semolina Re-Milled
  • Put the water, half flour, the fresh yeast and the sugar in the mixer bowl, turn the mixer on low and mix until a homogeneous batter is done.
    165 ml Water, 3 g Fresh Yeast, 2 g Caster Sugar
  • Add the salt, mix again to dissolve it, and then add the rest of flour, increasing the speed gradually.
    4 g Salt
  • When it's almost completely mixed, add the oil and knead until the oil is completely absorbed.
    6 g Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Knead for a couple of minutes by hand, form a ball and put it in an oiled bowl covered with the plastic wrap and put it to rise in the fridge until the next day.

Preparation of the Balls and Rising

  • Take the dough, weigh it and divide it into 6 (or by the number of panzerotti you have decided to prepare), based on the result, create balls of the corresponding weight.
  • Once the balls have been created, cover them with a cloth and let them rise again for 1 hour

Stuffed with Turnip Greens and Sausage

  • Wash and blanch the turnip greens.
    300 g Turnip Greens
  • Peel the sausage and chop it coarsely by hand.
    150 g Sausage
  • Put in a pan 1-1/2 tablespoons of olive oil and a clove of garlic cut in three to fry.
    1 clove Garlic, 1 – ½ tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • When the oil sizzles, add the sausage and brown it.
  • Add salt and chili to taste if you wanna it.
    to taste Salt, to taste Dry Chili Peppers, to taste Black Pepper
  • Squeeze as much water as possible from the turnip greens and add them to the sausage.
    300 g Turnip Greens
  • Stir and add about 30 ml of water. Cook to flavor everything, turn off and let cool.
    30 ml Water

Classic Stuffing

  • Chop the mozzarella, if you use pizza mozzarella you can grate it.
    50 g Apulian Braid Mozzarella
  • In a bowl combine the mozzarella 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce, a pinch of salt and oregano to taste.
    4 tbsp Tomato Sauce, to taste Origan, 1 pinch Salt
  • Mix everything and leave to flavor.

Stuffed with Salamino and Ricotta

  • Cut the mozzarella and dried tomatoes into strips. Slice the spicy salami and work the ricotta lightly to make it creamy.
    50 g Spicy Salamino, 50 g Apulian Braid Mozzarella, 2 – 3 Dried Tomatoes, 100 g Cow Ricotta Cheese

Preparation and Frying of Panzerotti

  • Heat the oil in the frying pan.
    Sunflower Oil
  • On the work surface, roll out the first ball, to obtain a disc of dough that is not too thin. Try to keep the center a little thicker to support the filling well.
  • Put a couple of tablespoons of filling in the center, in the case of classic filling and turnip greens, for this one, remember to add the smoked scamorza.
    100 g Smoked Scamorza
  • For the panzerotti with ricotta, put a couple of teaspoons of ricotta in the center 3 slices of slamino, 3 strips of mozzarella and 3 strips of tomato.
    100 g Cow Ricotta Cheese
  • Close the dough to form a half moon by matching the ends.
  • With a fork, squeeze the edges to seal them if you want, you can pinch the entire edge to close them better.
  • Once the oil is hot, take a panzerotto and dip it in the oil holding it by the tips. With the help of an iron ladle, take some oil and pour it on the surface not immersed in the oil to facilitate cooking.
  • Turn the panzerotto over and brown the other side completely and it will be ready, drain it and put it to dry on the fried paper.
  • Serve hot!


Chef: Taira by R.J.
Calorie: 265kcal
Course: Sandwiches and Snacks
Cuisine: Italian, Recipes Journey Original
Keyword: Frying, Street Food
Difficoltà: Easy


Serving: 111g | Calories: 265kcal (13%) | Carbohydrates: 36g (12%) | Protein: 12g (24%) | Fat: 9.1g (14%) | Sugar: 1g (1%)

Le informazioni nutrizionali sono una stima fornita da un calcolatore nutrizionale online. Non devono essere considerate un sostituto del consiglio di un nutrizionista professionista.

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