Homemade Dumplings


Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

Small and fluffy Fresh Homemade Dumplings. Among the fresh Italian pasta, gnocchi are certainly among the most loved by both adults and children. Sauce, ragù, pesto, cheese, the condiments that go with them are wasted.

potato dumplings recipe

The History of Potato Gnocchi

Gnocchi in general make their way into history as early as 500, prepared with flour, eggs and water. Later they began to be kneaded with stale bread too, only from the 16th century did gnocchi with potatoes boiled in the dough begin to appear and spread. Initially, in addition to the potatoes, other ingredients were added to the dough such as cheese, chicken, herbs and spices, but over time the classic recipe we know today got the better of it, taking hold in every part of Italy. Obviously there are variants such as Pumpkin Gnocchi, green with spinach or purple with the use of purple potatoes or beetroot juice.

The condiments to accompany the fresh Homemade Dumplings are a type of gnocchi, in Italy there are many others and also abroad. Condiments are many, often linked to the typical products of each region, cheeses in Piedmont, pesto in Liguria etc. One of the most popular and beloved gnocchi-based dishes are the Gnocchi alla Sorrentina seasoned with a tomato and basil-based sauce with mozzarella sautéed in the oven.

How to Prepare Homemade Dumplings

To prepare fresh Homemade Dumplings, you need very few ingredients: potatoes, flour, salt and eggs. But obviously there are precautions to be respected to obtain delicate and light gnocchi.

Personally, I cook potatoes with their peel even if I hate peeling boiled potatoes… The reason is simple, they absorb less water during cooking and consequently when it comes to kneading, less flour will be needed, guaranteeing a soft dough once cooked.

Once the potatoes are ready, mash them with a potato masher while they are still hot. Add the salt, egg and 3/4 of the flour and start kneading and then slowly add the rest of the flour. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Use flour on the work surface, preferably re-milled semolina flour, which absorbs moisture well and prevents the gnocchi from sticking together or on the work surface.

Fresh potato dumplings recipe have different shapes, the most classic are certainly the oval ones, lined with the small hollow in the centre. To get them you will need a gnocchi board (the one in the photo), or you can use the prongs of a fork. Once ready to cook, pour some oil into the cooking water so that they do not stick together during cooking and once drained. To understand when the potato gnocchi is cooked just keep an eye on them, once they are afloat you can drain them and season them with your favourite sauce.

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Homemade Dumplings

Fluffy and soft typical Italian gnocchi perfect to be seasoned in a thousand different ways, loved by young and old.
Porzioni 4 portions
Tempo di Preparazione 1 hour
Tempo di Cottura 3 minutes
Tempo totale 1 hour 3 minutes


  • Potato Masher


  • 580 g Potatoes boiled with skin
  • 1 Eggs
  • q.s. Salt
  • 200 g Pastry Flour
  • q.s. Durum Wheat Semolina Re-Milled


  • Put the potatoes in their skins on the stove. Once cooked, peel them.
    580 g Potatoes
  • Mash the still hot potatoes on the work surface and then create a kind of bed on which you will sprinkle some salt.
    q.s. Salt
  • Beat an egg and pour it on the bed of potatoes and then sprinkle with flour and start kneading.
    1 Eggs, 200 g Pastry Flour
  • Once you have a well-blended dough, even if it feels a bit sticky, don't worry it's normal.
  • Sprinkle the work surface with semolina. Detach a piece of dough and create a salami with a diameter of about 1/1 and a half cm and cut into pieces a maximum of a couple of centimeters long.
  • Once you have cut one or two salami, it begins to form gnocchi. Whether you use the tablet or the fork, place the piece of dough on the tool you use rests on top of your thumb and drag it forward so that it takes the characteristic shape, striped on the surface and with the classic hollow.
  • Remember to lightly pass them in the semolina or flour (don't overdo it). Once the preparation is finished, put a large pot with water and oil on the stove. Once it comes to a boil, add the salt to the water and then dip the gnocchi. When they begin to surface they will be cooked. Drain and season to taste.
    q.s. Durum Wheat Semolina Re-Milled
Chef: Taira by R.J.
Calorie: 324kcal
Course: Basic Preparation, First Course
Cuisine: Italian
Keyword: Basic Pastry, Pasta
Difficoltà: Easy


Serving: 207g | Calories: 324kcal (16%) | Carbohydrates: 67g (22%) | Protein: 9g (18%) | Fat: 1.7g (3%) | Sugar: 1g (1%)

Le informazioni nutrizionali sono una stima fornita da un calcolatore nutrizionale online. Non devono essere considerate un sostituto del consiglio di un nutrizionista professionista.

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