Clotilde of Savoy Cocktail


Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

Today I propose you a real royal drink. Clotilde of Savoy Cocktail, a non-alcoholic fruit drink with a fresh and slightly sour taste. In fact, this cocktail takes its name from Princess Maria Clotilde of Savoy, the eldest daughter of King Vittorio Emanuele II and Queen Maria Adelaide of Habsburg Lorraine. The story of this cocktail tells that it was created especially for her by the barman of the Hotel de Russie in Rome.

Obviously since then the taste of the cocktail has been adapted making it more palatable by changing the proportion of fruit juices. Once it was much more sour, now it is sweet but not in an exaggerated way. It is composed in such a way that the two parts are well distinguished, that of the juice and that of the fresh pineapple pulp that remains in the upper part of the drink. Being a non-alcoholic long drink based on juice and fresh fruit, it is particularly thirst-quenching, also suitable for children. Easy to prepare and suitable to be drunk at any time, and why not maybe transformed into a delicious popsicle!

Non-alcoholic fruit cocktail

Clotilde of Savoy Cocktail and Non-Alcoholic Fruit Cocktails

In everyone’s or almost everyone’s imagination, the word cocktail is almost associated with the figure of alcohol. But the non-alcoholic drinks have nothing to envy to the alcoholic ones, both in appearance and taste. If you are a minor or if you are a teetotaller, Fruit Cocktails like Clotilde of Savoy and soft drinks are generally perfect, and unlike alcohol, they can be consumed in quantity, without problems. Usually the basic ingredients are juices, fresh juices, syrups and fresh fruit. But also tonic water, ginger ale and soda.

In modern blending, nowadays, many other ingredients are used such as essential oils, spices such as chilli and fresh aromatic herbs or used to create a kind of smoking. These new techniques, which I would call advanced, have given rise to many unusual and interesting cocktails all to try. But let’s start from the basics and see how to prepare our Clotilde of Savoy Cocktail.

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Clotilde of Savoy Cocktail

Fresh and with lots of fruit, ideal to be sipped on hot summer days.
Porzioni 1 portion
Tempo di Preparazione 10 minutes
Tempo totale 10 minutes


  • Tall Tumbler Glass


  • 40 ml Lime Juice
  • 100 ml Cranberry Juice
  • 60 ml Pineapple Pulp

Fresch Fruit for Decoration


  • Blend the fresh pineapple pulp.
    60 ml Pineapple Pulp
  • Fill the glass with ice, pour the lime juice and leave the wedge inside. Now pour in the cranberry juice.
    100 ml Cranberry Juice, 40 ml Lime Juice
  • Finally fill the glass with the pureed pineapple pulp that will remain on the surface without sinking. I decorated with fresh mint, berries and straws, but you can also indulge yourself with other fruit.
    60 ml Pineapple Pulp
Chef: Taira by R.J.
Calorie: 97kcal
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: Italian
Keyword: Non-Alcoholic Cocktail
Difficoltà: Easy
Tipologia: Long Drink
Metodo di Miscelazione: Build


Serving: 200g | Calories: 97kcal (5%) | Carbohydrates: 26g (9%) | Protein: 1g (2%) | Fat: 0.4g (1%) | Sugar: 17g (19%)

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