Cherry Sponge Cake Czech Bublanina


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Cherry season has arrived, and so I decided to prepare this Cherry Sponge Cake, called Bublanina. A soft sponge cake, full of juicy fresh cherries, served lightly dusted with powdered sugar. A simple cherry pie that can enhance all the freshness of the fruit.

At first, you may think it is a dry dessert, but it is not. At each bite, all the juice of the fresh cherries is extracted, which despite being sweet have their natural acidity which is perfectly balanced by the sweetness of the sponge cake, making this sweet moist and truly irresistible!

dolce alle ciliegie

Bublanina, the Other Cherry Cakes and Variation

Bublanina is an easy cherry cake recipe, typical from Czechoslovakia and Slovenia. It’s a cake with fresh cherries, but not only. In addition to cherry, strawberries, apricots, raspberries and plums are also used in summer, and frozen fruits are also used in winter.

The dough of this Slovak cake, which wraps around the fruit, is a sponge cake that can be prepared with or without butter, in some cases replaced with oil. It can be flavoured with vanilla or lemon. There are different methods of preparation, you can mix all the ingredients together at once, or create the dry mixture which will then be added to the wet one, or prepare the dough like a classic cake by whipping the egg whites.

It’s usually prepared by pouring the dough into a pan lined with butter and flour or breadcrumbs, and the fruit is placed by hand piece by piece in the batter.

It’s a soft and light cherry sponge cake recipe, which is prepared all year round both at home as a quick dessert for every day, but it can also be found in pastry shops. Once cut, it’s very nice to see because you can see the whole fresh fruit. It’s served in a simple way, only with a veil of icing sugar.

Cakes With Fresh Fruits

In addition to Bublanina, there are many other cakes with cherries and fresh and whole fruit that can be found all over Europe. The Clafoutis typical of the Limousin area in France prepared mainly with cherries, while when plums or apples are used it takes the name of flognarde. Also in France we find the Far Breton with plums typical of the Breton area. In Romania, Prăjitură cu caise is prepared with apricots. And these are just some of the various sweets recipes of this kind.

Prepare the Cake with Fresh Bublanina Cherries

This cherry sponge cake is really easy to make. Firstly, wash and stone the cherries, to do this you can make a cut and extract the cherries, or you can use a pitter, a really more practical and unexpectedly fast option!

First, I lined a pan with butter and breadcrumbs, but if you want, you can also use flour. In the recipe that I propose to you, I did not use butter. I whipped the egg yolks with a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Then I worked the egg yolks with the remaining sugar, vanilla and a couple of tablespoons of hot milk. Once you have a cream, I added the flour mixed and sifted with the yeast a little at a time, adding a little hot milk until they are used up. Lastly, I added the whipped egg white, stirring gently.

I poured the mixture into the pan and shook it a little to let any air bubbles rise. At this point, I added the cherries one by one, distributing them evenly throughout the pan. Bake it at 170 °C for 45 minutes. Once cooked, I left it in the oven for 5 minutes off, then took it out of the pan and let it cool on a wire rack. Before serving it, I covered it with a thin layer of icing sugar and cut the cherry sponge cake into squares

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Torta con Ciliegie Fresche Bublanina

Soffice pandispagna ricco di dolci e succose ciliegie fresche, una torta perfetta per risaltare la bontà della frutta fresca.
Porzioni 12 porzioni
Tempo di Preparazione 30 minutes
Tempo di Cottura 45 minutes
Tempo totale 1 hour 15 minutes


  • 1 Teglia Rettangolare 40 x 30 cm


  • 750 g di Ciliegie denocciolate
  • 320 g di Farina 0
  • 250 g di Zucchero Semolato
  • 240 ml di Latte caldo
  • 1 tsp di Pasta di Vaniglia
  • 3 Tuorli
  • 3 Albumi
  • 1 tsp di Zucchero Semolato
  • 7 g di Lievito per Torte
  • q.b. di Burro
  • q.b. di Pan Grattato
  • q.b. di Zucchero a Velo


  • Sciacqua 750 g di Ciliegie, scolale e snocciolale praticando un taglio verticale ed estraendo il nocciolo oppure usa un denocciolatore.
  • Preriscalda il forno a 170 °C.
  • Ungi la teglia con q.b. di Burro e spolvera la con q.b. di Pan Grattato.
  • Monta a neve ferma 3 Albumi con 1 tsp di Zucchero Semolato.
  • In un'altra ciotola metti 3 Tuorli, 1 tsp di Pasta di Vaniglia, 250 g di Zucchero Semolato e un cucchiaio di latte caldo. Sbatti con una frusta a mano o elettrica fino a quando il composto di tuorli sarà soffice ma sodo. Se lo fai a mano ci potrebbe volere un po', circa 10 minuti.
  • Mescola 320 g di Farina 0 con 7 g di Lievito per Torte. A poco a poco, aggiungila insieme a 240 ml di Latte al composto di tuorli. Mescola brevemente con una frusta.
  • Incorpora a mano gli albumi montati a neve, facendo attenzione a non smontare i bianchi montati.
  • Versa l'impasto nella teglia già foderata. Liscia la superficie in modo uniforme, cercando di eliminare eventuali bolle d'aria. Aggiungi le ciliegie snocciolate, a mano uniformemente per tutta la teglia.
  •  Cuoci in forno per circa 45 minuti o fino a quando la superficie non sarà dorata.
  • Falla raffreddare per una decina di minuti in teglia poi sformala facendola raffreddare su una griglia.
  • Una volta fredda spolverala con q.b. di Zucchero a Velo, tagliala a quadri e servi.
Chef: Taira by R.J.
Calorie: 245kcal
Course: Sweets and Desserts
Cuisine: Czech
Keyword: Baked Sweet, Fruits
Difficoltà: Easy
Temperatura: 170 °C/338 °F


Serving: 143g | Calories: 245kcal (12%) | Carbohydrates: 53g (18%) | Protein: 6g (12%) | Fat: 1.6g (2%) | Sugar: 30g (33%)

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